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How does the smell and mold in the car affect health?

How does the smell and mold in the car affect health?

The most serious effect of car odors can be seen in human psychology, as smell can provoke many reactions of the body such as happiness, alertness or fatigue, distraction, discomfort... Therefore, to many people, car odor increases the feeling of motion sickness, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath... In some light cases, it causes fatigue and discomfort for car users, especially when traveling on long distances.
For drivers, unpleasant odors disrupt the ability to concentrate when they have to constantly inhale these odors. If they experience dizziness, lightheadedness, or hallucinations due to the influence of bad odors while driving, it will reduce their's ability to judge and handle situations, leading to many serious consequences.

Dehumidification inside car interior
Humidity is the cause of mold growth, so to deodorize a car, it is indispensable to dehumidify the car. You can dehumidify by:
– Using a dehumidifier: You can buy or rent it at the car stores. These machines work very efficiently and can suck in moist air deep inside carpets or upholstery.
– Using ACH powder (anhydrous calcium chloride). This is a white powder with very good hygroscopicity and could be found at car stores. But you should ask for advice and instructions for use of the product.
– Lowering the car window to let the air inside out at night when the car is no longer used. This way is really effective as it helps the car interior become more airy. On the other hand, outside air will dry out moldy surfaces.

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